Saturday, August 31, 2019

Authorship of the book of Ruth Essay

The book of Ruth has been historically claimed to be written by the prophet Samuel. It dates back to the 1011 and 931 B. C. It was a message of the love of God directly to the Israelites. With the main theme of sacrifice, it was essential for them at that time to hear such words of love. In the heathen land of Moab, located North of the Dead Sea, Ruth is resides for a period of time and them moves further into the town of Bethlehem, during the era of the judges which occurred directly after the Pentateuch books which are the first five biblical books. Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and Elimelech, who were an Israelite couple with two sons. Mahlon and Chilion were their names and both married Ruth and Orpah. Sadly, all three men in the family died, firstly Elimelech and then later on his two sons, leaving three widowed women. The actual period is not actually stated. However, most scholars have attributed its authorship to the pre-exilic era; the period after the enslaved Israelites were freed and permitted to return back to their homeland of Israel. As a historical book of the Bible and an excellent piece of literature, it has challenged the conception of the era and the norms of the periods as recording the attitudes and conducts between people. It demonstrated tremendous practicality and dealt with serious relational issues and we can learn a lot from it today. Its authorship is unknown. It clearly begins by alluding to the period of the judges and it is perceived by some to have been written around that time. The prophet Samuel has been given the credit for its authorship by many scholars. In recent times however, there have been speculations as to the real author of this book. It has been recognised as having been written by a female author. According to an ancient Beraithato the Talmudic treatise it stated that the prophet Samuel did write the book of Ruth. As it is does not provide strong evidence concerning the authorship, several authors in recent times have refuted the prophet Samuel as the actual author of this phenomenal book. Does it really matter whether it was written by a male or female author? This has been a question in the minds of many because in its entirety, the content of the book is very positive and has a lot of moral, social and legal coverage, which has provided a lot of insight into the way the Israelites interacted amongst themselves as well as among foreign nations, like the Moabites. In this essay, various perspectives of scholars will be addressed and references to the actual text will also be made to support and refute arguments which have been put forth by various intellectual minds. In a recent book entitled the Widow’s plea, a group of authors cited a number of key points about the book of Ruth. Central to their arguments were factors that provided an insight to the gender identity of the author. Firstly, they referred to a deliberate attempt by the author to strengthen the plight of widowed women in this book, by the avoidance of dealing with the Leveriate marriage, a popular custom that existed during that period. Lawson Younger in made inference to this point by referring to the book ‘Three Shekels’ by H Shanks: The inscription is puzzling. According to the law of levirate marriage, a man must marry his brother’s widow if his brother died childless (see Deuteronomy 25:5–6). Why wasn’t the husband’s brother, who had already received the wheat ? eld in Nacamah, required to do his duty by marrying his brother’s widow? Alas, the ostracon does not tell us(p 32) The laws relating to marriage and redemption were strongly intertwined and since it was not completely applicable in this case because Ruth did not marry her direct next of kin, these scholars have speculated that it might have been authored by a female. Furthermore, H Avolos backed this argument by purporting the deliberate exclusion in this case. (Avolos 616) In an attempt to further prove this point Young referred to various Hebrew texts and phrases used to give a better view point. For instance, the use of the words ‘Amah’ and ‘siphah were used at different times, suggestive of various points regarding the nocturnal influence of Ruth in Chapter 3:9. This is what he noted: Amah seems to be used to emphasize a slave’s feminine qualities (need for protect weakness, sexual attractiveness, etc. ), while siphah seems to be used when the female is viewed as a possession and a laborer. 41 Both terms can be used as self-designations. When it is used this way, amah appears to suggest a female petitioner’s weakness and need for help or protection when presenting a request before a more powerful male, never before another female. When siphah is used as a self-designation of obeisance, it seems to signify the woman’s subservience and readiness to serve or obey instructions. (p127) With the usage of the term amah, despite the fact that she was a labourer or indirectly in servitude, she was still able to realize her feminity even in hardship. It was suggestive of her need for protection and dependency on the one who is stronger than herself, especially when requesting a favour from an influential male figure. This point alludes to the kind of writing by a male author, realizing the need of the woman for protection and a bulwark. The usage of the term siphah suggested the readiness of the woman to adhere to instructions from the male and obey and to do is bidding. In both cases, there is a strong suggestion of a male authorship based on this viewpoint. Further Hebrew terms used indicate more usage of feminine forms of verbs. For instance, the word hyrja, meaning ‘them’ was used to refer to bodies of individuals. Its frequent usage indicated that the author made reference to a wide range of people who were female. Perhaps this could have been suggestive of a male author appreciating the role of the women or in actual fact, a woman who sought to enhance the role of the female in that era? The Feminist Companion of the Bible addressed several points that alluded to an obvious female authorship. (pg 34) It was argued that this book presented various points which gave credence to the importance of women in the Holy Bible. For instance, several women were identified who played excellent roles in biblical event, including Deborah, Dorcas, Esther and Miriam just to mention a few. It was also admitted that there were also major indications to the book of Ruth being authored by a male because of its superscription, just as the case was in other books like the book of Ecclesiastes. An interesting point to note was that there was a chance that although it may not have been written by a woman, the male author certainly had a profound respect for women and valued their contribution to the society. Interestingly, this book under the ‘Unconventional Life Partnership, Women Do Go Unconventional Ways’ heading also referred to the instruction by Naomi to Ruth, to use her natural female charm to win the heart of Boaz. (Athalya 29). This could very well have been a masculine viewpoint, in the sense that Naomi did recognize that Ruth needed a man in her life and hence was giving her advise on how to make Boaz notice her. During that period, it was generally expected that the women realized that they were being prepared for marriage at some stage and it would have been the role of an experienced woman like Naomi to share this with Ruth. This is a very feminine disposition which could have been expressed by the author. In the second chapter of the book of Ruth, she was portrayed as a hardworking lady who went to ‘glean with the reapers’. In Hebrew, the word ‘reapers’ refers to masculinity. Hence, irrespective of this fact, she was able to go and work with the men, gathering enough food supply for herself and for Naomi. As a matter of fact, it was emphasized that she worked through to the period of harvest. By so doing, she was able to gather more than sufficient rations to tend to the needs of a whole family. This was a progressive woman who knew that it was essential that she managed the home front successfully. In other words, she was a traditional homemaker – the major role of the woman. A female author would not have put this point any better. In his comparative study of the book of Ruth, Younger suggested that to a large extent, it seemed that a woman’s economic well-being was directly related to her link with some male. (p 129) From a feminine perspective it could be argued that this exhibited self-reliance and independence of the woman. On the contrary, there is also the aspect of the masculinity portrayed. The head of the reaper, when approached by Boaz who had not yet met Ruth at the time to ask about who she was, the reaper made excuses on her behalf, as she was a foreigner ( a Moabite girl) who did not the customs and modest requirements of the women of Israel. This impled that she was gleaning with the wrong set of people, in other words, the men. Hence, when Boaz eventually spoke to her, he advised her to glean with the girls or young ladies (Chapter 2:8). This was indicative of the male dominance and belief in the distinct and separate roles of the woman and the man. The geneological account in Chapter Four included women in it and this has made people suggest its female authorship. It was uncommon to have women included in the genelogical chronology. Especially in this instant, this geneology led all the way down to David, from whom the expected lineage of the Messiah was from. The character of Boaz was one of a generous and extremely loving individual. He saw the needs of Ruth and Naomi and took the necessary steps to ensure their happiness. By so doing, he tremendously brought a lot of benefits to himself. Eventually, he got married to Ruth. His numerous character traits are worthy of further study. Ruth was described as a virtuous woman. From the beginning of the book, she displayed loyalty and love, even to its end. When Naomi was bereaved of three members of her family including her husband and sons, Ruth did not seek out her own gain but decided to remain with Naomi, always. It took superhuman power to make such a profound statement in Chapter 1:16, entreating Naomi to let her (Ruth) remain with her. There was nothing that Naomi had to offer her. Both her sons were now dead, including the husband of Ruth. As was pointed out by Naomi, she had nothing to offer Ruth. Notwithstanding, Ruth made a selfless commitment to stand by Ruth, through times of sorrow and happiness. Naomi was a wise lady whose experience was of great benefit to Boaz and Ruth. In essence, she took the practical steps to facilitate their union. In all three characters, excellent themes of relational interactions have been displayed. Humility, sacrificial love, generousity and empathy just to mention a few, are required in everyday dealings with people. Regardless of the authorship, these character traits spread across boundaries and are pertinent in dealing with practical real-life matters. Especially today, these attitudes are still required and go along way in boosting human interactions. Works Cited Brenner, A. The feminist companion to the Bible (Second Series) Sheffield Academic Press Avalos, H. Legal and Social Institutions, 616 Malick, D. An Argument of the Book of Ruth from < http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=952> Shanks, H. (1997). Three Shekels pg 32. Younger, K. L. (1998). Two Comparative Notes on the Book of Ruth. Trinity International University

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fight Club Essay

In the movie â€Å"Fight Club† is about the narrator, Jack’s, fantasy of an alternate reality, his personal shadow. Tyler Durden represents Jack’s unconscious collective shadow. Jack, the protagonist, has a meaningless, boring and empty life, and suffers from insomnia. Jack tries to lend color to his insignificant life by purchasing new commodities like his furniture which are the fetish items of the narrator and they provide him with more meaningful existence. Jack has a dull life and he could not find any time for his hobbies due to his busy business life. He has no girlfriend or even a close friend. He does nothing to have fun and he suppresses all his instincts for pleasure in his unconscious. Although he is not happy about his life, every morning he wakes up, goes to work and travels frequently. He suffers from insomnia because he is suppressing his shadow. Later, he finds the idea of participating in cancer and disease support groups. Jack lacks the courage to confront his shadow. Instead, Jack indentifies with her persona, the role the world expects him to play. As the movie progresses Jack gradually begins to become aware of his shadow, and how it motivates his behavior. It is only by doing so that he begins the process of self-realization. One criticism that will be made is that the movie depicts a superficial and incomplete process of self-realization. â€Å"Jung considers the confrontation with the shadow, with one’s own evil, to be of the great psychological value. Understanding something about one’s shadow side is the beginning of self-knowledge. Without the realization of the shadow all real further psychological progress is blocked† (34). As I mentioned before, Tyler Durden is the collective unconscious side of Jack. In other words, Tyler represents the shadow of the narrator in â€Å"political confrontation†. Jack projects onto Tyler, the enemy side, which we view as hopelessly corrupt, sadistic, vindictive, and inhuman. â€Å"The collective shadow, viewed as a component of the collective unconscious, is the archetype of collective evil and can be represented by such archetypal images as the Devil, the Enemy, the Bad Guys, and the Evil Empire† (33-4). Tyler slowly begins to take control away from the narrator. The narrator gets pleasure from Tyler’s crazy, uncontrolled behaviors because Tyler does the things that the narrator imagines doing unconsciously, but was unable to do because of ociety pressure, which encouraged repressing his desires. Jung states, â€Å"Your shadow, the imperfect being in you that follows after and does everything which you are loath to do, all the things you are too cowardly or too decent to do† (35). The narrator gets pleasure from these anarchistic behaviors. Tyler also destroys the narrator’s house in order to prevent him from continuing his virtual life. Then, Tyler initiates a reaction like Jung’s shadow conception, full of violence and sexuality. He manifests his violence and forms an underground boxing club called Fight Club. Hopeless people like Bob who has testicular cancer and many other people who are not happy about their lives, which are full of suppressed emotions and societal pressures, join Fight Club. Tyler also satisfies his sexual instincts with Marla whereas the narrator fails to do so. Tyler becomes a cult hero and he even manages to get paid without ever going to work because of the shadow’s charisma, self-confidence and revolutionary aspect. However, after a while we start to realize the negative effects of the shadow. The shadow, Tyler Durden, takes control completely and he gets out of balance. Fight Club becomes an anarchistic group and Tyler prepares a big plan (Project Mayhem) for destroying all the banks, financial sector buildings. Tyler is thus transformed into a public enemy who wants to destroy the capitalist system. In the movie, Tyler says, â€Å"It is only when you have lost everything, you are free to do anything†. He wants to live in a primitive society in which everyone has nothing and everyone is equal. This feeling comes to his mind because of the influence of the shadow archetype. As Jung mentioned, archetypes are characteristics that reflect our primitive nature. Tyler rants, â€Å"You are not your job, you are not your money in your bank account†. The shadow becomes very destructive, violent and dangerous as Tyler clearly becomes a monster who threatens society. Tyler sees society and the capitalist system as his enemies. Tyler shows us exactly all the aspects of Jung’s shadow concept: violence, sexuality, self-confidence, charisma, courage, madness and a lack of balance. What makes Tyler so strong is the narrator’s error in repressing his shadow for such a long time. After a period, the narrator understands that his conscious mind was taken over for a while and he begins to fight Tyler. He gets rid of Tyler in the last scene by shooting himself and thus by metaphorically reducing the influence of the shadow, Tyler in his mind. The narrator thus achieves a new psychical balance and gets rid of his shadow Tyler Durden. Jung explains, â€Å"Consequently, the murder of the hero represents the need for change, for a ‘revaluation of earlier values,’ at midlife. The shadow figures of savage and dwarf represents the murderous energy as well as the insight, the shadow wisdom, needed to kill the hero and to transcend a youthful heroic attitude toward life†.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Foundation Week Story Essay

What is Foundation week? Other students celebrate it by not going to school because for them it’s the time of their rest day but other students celebrate it by going to school and hanging out with their friends. As students of College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, we celebrate Foundation week by making ourselves busy. On September 22, 2014, Monday, the programme starts with the Cultural Competition and due to our Anatomy Class we’re not able to watch the competition, on the afternoon, the search for MR. and MS. Batangas State University starts. At the end of the competition, MR. Malvar and MS. CEAFA got the title for MR. and MS. BSU 2014. On the Second day of the Foundation Week, September 23, 2014, Tuesday, the programme starts with the opening talk of the University President Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, on the same day we perform our Bench Yell and Launched the newest symbol of valor, â€Å"The Red Spartans† , the University’s official mascot which designed by Mr. John Jeffrey Alcantara were â€Å"The Red Spartans† define the values of BatStateU; Unity, courage, and excellence. After that event we start our cooking for our Booth in the Students Fair, the third year BSND are the assigned in cooking, while second year students serves as their helping hands. On September 24, 2014, Wednesday, we need to go to school early for us to end up early our cooking session. On the same day, the opening of intramurals and cheerdance competition held, and due to our cooking we’re not able to watch the competition and according to other students who witnessed the competition, the Main Campus got the title. On September 25, 2014, Thursday, we started the day by cooking for our booth and end up the day by cleaning our booth. On September 26, 2014, Friday, Last day of the Foundation week, we started the day same as we started last Thursday, before the day ended up, the judges decided who has the best booth, and the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences won the title. With the theme: â€Å"BatStateU @ 111: Gearing for the ASEAN Challenge of Excellence† , Foundation Week ended up successfully yet stressful but it helps us, the students, to apply what we are learning.

Open Source Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Open Source Software - Research Paper Example A group of people suggested the replacement of the term free software with the term open source software (OSS) in the year 1998 because the latter was more convenient and less vague for the corporate world as compared to the former. The benefit of publishing a software with the license of an open source software is that it allows everybody to understand the way the software functions and in turn, develop a similar software. The open source software offers much more flexibility as compared to other kinds of software in that the users can modify the open source software, port the software to the processor architects, advertise the software, market it, and share it with other users. The Open Source Initiative publishes a document titled â€Å"The Open Source Definition† which defines the criteria for the labeling of a software license as the open source, so that the software may acquire the certification mark of open source. There is an open source philosophy ingrained in the ope n source definition. It defines several aspects of the open source software that include but are not limited to the terms of usage, terms of modification, as well as the principles of redistribution of the software. Numerous licenses of open source software are included in the Open Source Definition. An example of these licenses is the GNU General Public License (GPL) that grants the users the right to distribute the software freely provided that any modifications and developments are included in the same license.  ... â€Å"The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time† (, n.d.). With the open source distribution, a product’s source code becomes accessible to the public whereas such access can be fine tuned by the authors using the open source licenses. Classification of OSS The OSS can be broadly classified into three main types namely Vendor OSS, Community OSS, and Hybrid OSS. Vendor OSS The Vendor OSS is also known as Community based OSS. This is a type of OSS that is mainly made and produced by a company. In a vast majority of cases, the vendor of this software develops a product’s version that exists in a community edition and can be downloaded free of cost. There is no support with the community edition and its functionality is lesser than that of the commercial version, that is also known as the Enterprise version or the Professional version. The examples of Vendor OSS include but are not limited to Jaspersoft, BonitaSoft, SugarCRM, Inforbright, and Talend. â€Å"Talend's data integration solutions provide a powerful set of tools to meet any integration requirement, from basic transformations to the most complex operational integration issues, data migration & capture, as well as data replication, synchronization and application upgrades† (Talend, 2012). Community Based OSS As the name implies, there is a community of people that develops and manages the Community Based OSS. In most of the cases, the software is developed by a group of people in the community, that can be joined by anyone. The examples of this type of software include Netscape, GNU Compiler Collection, and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

UK Revised Combined Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

UK Revised Combined Code - Essay Example Following the Enron report, two review committees were commissioned by the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to review UK corporate governance2. The two independent review reports - the Higgs Report on Non-Executive Directors and the Smith Report on Audit Committees, were published in January 2003 and form the bases for the revised Code [also see Higgs review (2003) and Smith review (2003)]. In this analysis the features of the revised combined code will be discussed along with studies to show and suggest whether the implementation of this code is likely to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance for listed companies. The revised code contains 14 principles for companies supported by 48 code provisions. Many aspects of the revised code have remained unchanged from the original code although there have been many important changes. The code suggests that the board should comprise of independent non-executive directors along with executive directors and the code contains guidance on the meaning of independent directors emphasizing on independence as an important measure (Long et al, 2005). It also lays down the rule that the role of chairman and chief executive should not be a position taken by the same person (in Combined Code, 2003). The chairman should be independent and only in certain exceptional cases, the chairman can also be a former chief executive. It has also been suggested that the position of a senior independent non-executive director should be included. This new position of senior independent non-executive director shows that the director must be identified in the annual report and al so be given specific responsibilities (Long et al, 2005). The other specifications of the revised code show that all listed companies should have an audit committee, a nomination committee and a remuneration committee. The audit and remuneration committees should have at least three members and all the members should be independent non executive directors3. The majority of the members are expected to be independent non executive directors and the committee is also headed by the chairman who is an independent non executive director (Long et al, 2005; Chambers 2005)4. The code also specifies that at least one member of the audit committee must be a financial expert or a person with the relevant financial experience and having membership with a professional accountancy body. The code highlights on performance evaluation and regular monitoring and emphasises on the performance evaluation of board members and the committees and executive directors (Combined Code, 2003; Directors' Remuneration Report, 2002). The annual report should include a disclosure on the performance evaluation process. The external auditors are important as well and the audit committee is given the primary responsibility of making a recommendation on the appointment, reappointment and removal of external auditors. The audit committee is given the responsibility to develop and implement policy on engagement or taking services of the external auditor to supply non-audit services. The Audit Committee states in its report that the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper - Essay Example The Fast food industry is a very competitive industry in which customer service becomes a focal point. The organization has many strong points that gives them an advantage over their competitors. For example, Chick-Fil-A is known for serving nutritional meals compared to other fast food chains. In addition, it was one of the prime restaurants that came up with the idea to have a â€Å"chicken sandwich.† The founder of the company, Truett Cathy, is very religious and ethics oriented coming from a strong Baptist background [2]. Hence, the company believes in strong Christian and family roots as the restaurant is closed on Sundays. Moreover, the company’s marketing department is fantastic in their advertisements as they often use humor to attract customers [2]. The strategy of the company is to serve nutritious food than its competitors, which becomes the focal point in its quest to compete against other rivals. Another strategy that enables them to be a great fast food ch ain is the fact that that the employees are efficient and attentive to the needs of the customers [1]. Chick-Fil-A employees take pride and pleasure in serving their customers instead of a typical â€Å"Your Welcome† statement. In addition, the employees pride in providing the best services that includes folding napkins in a particular way that pleases the customers [4]. Moreover, the company excels in attracting customers with regular promotions and offering coupons after a big meal. Not only does that keep the customers loyal, it also allows the customer to share these coupons with other acquaintances. Furthermore, Chick-Fil-A excel in reducing its operations time while serving its customers. It prime ability to strive to serve its customers within 90 seconds in a drive-through service is an amazing feat no doubt[1]. With the assistance of smart technology, a timer is often set by the computer screen that tells the employees the progress of the order [1]. This enables the e mployees to be efficient in their time management and at the same time be motivated in their services. Reducing the operation time is the key to being a successful customer oriented business in this booming commerce. Annually, the company evaluates and grades it service by investing more than $1 million in the department. The feedback from customers is received through phone surveys conducted by the company [2]. Each survey consists of twenty questions that evaluate the quality, attentiveness, and the service of its employees. Any other feedback is also welcome from the customers. Again, this is a major step taken by the company to allow itself to gain some leverage against its competitors [3]. Knowing and understanding the customers concerns and feedback is a huge step towards becoming a critical player in the fast food industry through improvement. The company does have many opportunities to expand into the market. Since Chick-Fil-A had healthy sales of around 3127 million last ye ar, the organization does have solid market position. In addition, it continues to use customer service as a reliable tool to attract customers. While the company does have many strong points, one has to acknowledge the fact that having only chicken related items in the menu is detrimental for the business. The customers of today more than ever want choices in everything. Young adults and children are picky eaters and sometimes crave just more than chicken nuggets and fries on a regular basis.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managing Resistance to Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Resistance to Change - Research Paper Example Using the systems thinking approach, an organization can be assessed for the way in which it functions as a single entity, all of its parts performing so that the performance of the whole achieves mutual goals. Identifying the way in which the system functions is vital in assessing the way in which change will be accomplished. The model of managerial approach that can best be used is through establishing a work culture that has enough flexibility to embrace change. The second step is in providing clear information and creating inclusion in the ways in which the change is created. These two aspects of management are the most important in defining the environment in which change can take place. Resistance is minimized when an organization becomes an organic entity with flexible, porous boundaries that are focused on the overall success of the goals of the company. Through information and inclusion, this environment will not only achieve the goals of transition and change, but keep on t rack for achieving overall goals for the company. Managing Resistance to Change Introduction Change is a phenomenon that requires swift adaptation, an uncomfortable situation for people to manage. Human behavior is approached with apprehension of an outcome and when change occurs, fear of the unknown can create resistance. As a manager, the professional leader must find a way to create smooth transitions when changes occur in a work environment. This can be difficult as the manager is not only trying to reassure his team members, but to alleviate his or her own concerns. Despite the perception that change will be an unwelcome addition to a routine, most changes are intended to increase productivity and provide benefit for a business. Therefore, it is vital that a manager find a way to successfully introduce and implement changes so that the benefit that is intended can be realized. In examining managing resistance to change, the systems thinking approach is the model that allows for the best possible outcome through the most organizational structures. All organizations have a basic number of ways in which they function. These elements of the organization exist in small and large entities, their purposes vital to the overall functioning of the system in order to provide an organic structure. Some organic structures are flexible, while others are rigid, and it is in the level of rigidity that management fails to create an organization that can more easily create transitions when needed. Without transitions, there is not growth, therefore in order to best manage resistance to change, an organic, flexible ideology will best serve reducing resistance to change. Literature Review The primary problem presented with an element of change within an organization is in dealing with the anxiety that team members feel when their space of comfort is disrupted. Work consists of creating known habits and behaviors that define the progression of the day. When change is implemen ted, anxiety is created as the individual must reconcile what is a known outcome with what is an unknown variable. Maltz (2008), discusses the balance that is created by the existence of transition having a natural correspondence with resistance. There is an element of ’data’ in regard to resistance which is critical in defining productivity, development, and the creation of a successful change within the organization (p. 3). The primary focus of the work that Maltz (2008) has

Sunday, August 25, 2019

German and European Banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

German and European Banks - Essay Example This survey was conducted by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, Johannesburg, and Pricewaterhouse Coopers. The survey identified liquidity, credit risk and credit spreads as the top three factors that pose a risk to banks. The report highlights the fact that the global financial situation has changed the importance of various risks; liquidity is now the highest risk to threaten banks. The shortage of liquidity has the power to impact the credit and derivative markets and this fear can lead to further worsening of the recessionary situation. Of the three top risks, liquidity and credit spreads had never before been considered as a risk; this is a clear indication of the changing risk scenario. The survey listing also has 'regulatory over-reaction' as the only non-financial risk in its top ten factors. This again is a clear indication that the market fears actions by politicians and regulators who will try to rectify the issue. The survey had varied opinions depending on the class of the respondent. While the bankers saw sharp variations in the credit, derivative and equity market as the most important risks, the non-banking people saw poor risk management and a liberal system of bonuses as the chief risks. The global economic crunch has affected not only the US but also Europe. Not only are the East European banks going to be affected but also the West European banks having loaned out to these banks, will be equally affected. A survey done by credit rating agency Moody's Investors Services states that Hungary and Latvia has already appealed to the IMF for a bailout; Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Romania may soon be going the same way. Some of the Western European banks were affected; UniCredit of Italy fell 7.3 percent and Societe Generale of France fell by 9.5 percent. The German Banking scenario is dominated by savings banks, cooperative banks and landesbanks, all of which are less-profit oriented than commercial banks. The market is fragmented and there is lot of competition. September 2008, saw two big mergers in the German banking sector. Commerzbank took over Dresdner Bank and Deutsche Bank took over Postbank. This was a direct reaction to other European banks entering German terrain. Banco Santander of Spain, UniCredit of Italy and 'ING of Netherland were the new entrants in the German market. UniCredit purchased Hypo Vereinsbank while Credit Mutuel of France took over Citigroup's German subsidiary. The German banks realised that size matters and the only way they could keep off European banks were through merger. The current economic crisis has led to banks writing down approximately 400 billion dollars in bad loans. Market liquidity and funding liquidity are two factors that interplay to create the funding environment. Market liquidity is said to be low when it becomes difficult to sell an asset that is when it is difficult to raise money by selling an asset. Funding liquidity is said to be high, when money to buy an asset can be easily borrowed. According to Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2008), more funding can be garnered (funding liquidity) if more assets

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Course Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Course Work - Essay Example The main objective of the IAS19 was to provide the accounting and disclosure for the benefits for employees. The benefits for employees refer to all kinds of considerations that are given to the employees by the company for the services that are rendered to the company. The main aim of this standard is to account for the expenses for the employee benefits in the period that it was earned rather than in the period when it is paid or payable. This allows the finances to be in place and to ensure that the expenses are recorded in the actual period rather than in any other payable period. IASB plays a major role in the development of the amendments for the IAS 19. There are a number of amendments that the IASB has brought into the IAS 19 and Sir David Tweedie, IASB Chairman had mentioned, ‘Pension costs are one of the most complex and obscure areas of accounting. The amendment issued today allows entities to choose a simpler, more transparent method of accounting than is commonly adopted at present. I hope that many entities will take the opportunity of improving their financial reporting in this way’ (International Accounting Standards Board, 2004). As mentioned earlier, the basic principle of IAS 19 is, ‘The cost of providing employee benefits should be recognised in the period in which the benefit is earned by the employee, rather than when it is paid or payable’ (Deolitte, 2010). Considering the standards there are a few differences that need to be considered and understood. These are as discussed below: a) Short term Benefits: There refer to the employee benefits that are required to be settled within the twelve months that the employee renders services. The benefits that classify under this heading include salaries, wages and other benefits like sick leave, bonuses and non monetary benefits as well. This does not require any actuarial valuation hence there is no need and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Maos policy of Politics in Command set the agenda for the Chinese Essay

Maos policy of Politics in Command set the agenda for the Chinese economy for the last half of the 20th century in China. Do you agree with the statement Wh - Essay Example In the first half of the twentieth century state policy eliminated private industry and commerce resulting to a high degree of centralized and unified planned economy. But despite this the party-state showed symptoms of incapacity in terms of confronting modernization and economic growth. Aiko Ikeo (1997) cited an example: In the early stages of the creation of New China, the method of ‘three persons’ food eaten by five’ was carried out, in an effort to assist the unemployed. During the First Five-year Plan, unemployment was basically eliminated, but because of the lower level of productive forces, in order to guarantee universal employment and individual entitlement to rations, only low-wage policies could work†¦ The parity pattern of low wages, high employment and low consumption cause universal overstaffing, inefficiency and low benefits. (p. 166) By 1960 Mao Zedong launched the self-reliance model anchored on the guiding thought of â€Å"politics in command†. This theory stressed the replacement of personal desire for material and economic interests with noble political sentiments and selfless devoted spirit. This guiding thought replaced the equalitarian thought of equal wealth distribution policy in the 1950s. (Ikeo, p. 166) The basic theme of this campaign was the proper relationship between politics and business, with the basic goal of ensuring that politics is placed at the fore. More importantly, this introduced a decentralization drive which sought to give the party more control over the economy. This was achieved by having the provincial party committees supervise economic enterprises and perform a coordinating role. (Bailey 2001, p. 170) In an effort to achieve greater party control, the influence of central planning ministries was reduced. The ‘politics in command’ policy was implemented, in effect abolishing the previous equalitarian thoughts of equal

Thursday, August 22, 2019

SELF-DEFINED PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SELF-DEFINED PROJECT - Essay Example hat’s left from Experiencing the Divine†¦an expression of the artist’s spiritual nature in the material world†¦[it] is the portal to the soul† (Darlene). According to Andrej Tisma art allowed man to discover â€Å"deep secrets penetrating the source of things†. In primitive society, when religion was held central to the community, the priest was the same as the artist. He created prayers and hymns that allowed man to connect wit the divine. As society modernizes and beliefs become secular, the artist has finally risen up to assert his individuality and his interpretation of what the world is. This new form is called mental art. Unlike the earlier forms of art which tried to depict reality, or make a statement about the imagined reality, mental art allows the artist to communicate using his own concepts. In Rudolf Steiner’s words, â€Å"The basis of artistic creation is not what is, but what might be; not the real, but the possible†. This new form allows the artist to bring forth the â€Å"knowledge† that is burning alive inside him. For some people this â€Å"burning† is the seed of the divine, man’s ultimate connection to the being called God, the Source, the Creator. Because creativity is of divine nature, often the artist cannot recognize an artwork when he/she is done with it. Some would say â€Å"I can’t believe I did this† - an indication of the â€Å"other† which lives inside a person. The nature of this other is no longer within the bounds of this paper, what is sure, however, is that art is the medium of co mmunication between the â€Å"other† and the physical man. Creativity is its highest manifestation – man may deny revealing it, but such denial cannot last forever. When it reaches its peak, it will strive to break all barriers in the same way that mental art is now breaking social norms. This idea is supported by this quote from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, â€Å"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you

Contributions made to the United States from women Essay Example for Free

Contributions made to the United States from women Essay ?Prior to the civil war a variety of individuals such as women, Native Americans, and African Americans provided a number of contributions that benefitted the country. The women raised children, did all of the household chores, and even served in the military. The Native Americans provided colonists with their new knowledge of agriculture, and the African Americans provided labor to most farmers. Women contributed a great deal to this country. During the time before the civil war women were providing more for this country than they ever have in the past. While still performing the difficult tasks of raising children and doing household chores, women began to take on more roles that were usually left for the men. They ran inns, taverns, shipbuilding companies, imported and exported goods and even owned businesses. Women contributed during the American Revolution by helping either providing healthcare or actually serving in the army. Many women fought in the war themselves, although some had to pretend to be men to do so. Women had a great impact in the outcome of that war. Another set of individuals who helped contribute to America was the Native Americans. Upon the arrival of the first colonists the Natives began teaching them the basics of agriculture and survival. They taught them how to grow several different types of crops as well as how to fish, hunt and forge for other food. Additionally, some of the natives even helped protect the colonists from other not so friendly natives. Without the Natives the colonists may not have survived long enough to build the nation that they did. African Americans also contributed a lot to the country. African Americans were the main source of labor throughout the United States before the civil war. Most farmers relied solely on their slaves to plant, grow, and harvest their crops. With the use of slaves, farmers were able to plant more crops and harvest them faster. By having servants to help do household chores, African Americans also helped make the lives of women easier. The country benefitted greatly from these three groups of individuals. By providing something different these three groups shaped the country into what it is today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Powerlessness: Cause And Effect Of Poverty

Powerlessness: Cause And Effect Of Poverty Powerlessness is a cause and effect of poverty because people living in absolute poverty often have no political power and is subjected to exploitation by the state. They lack protection, and report widespread corruption within state education and health care systems. Poor people in many countries speak of being kept waiting endlessly while the rich of the country go to the head of the queue. Situations like these create more problems for that already in absolute poverty, and continue to divide the rich from the poor without providing any help. The problem with a lack of voice and power as a cause of poverty is that it enforces a lack of voice and power as an effect of poverty, creating a continuous cycle that deliberately separates the poor of a country from the rich. The last major cause and effect of poverty is vulnerability. Natural disasters, economic crises, and conflict leave the poor very vulnerable, with nobody to help and a lack of resources to use to help themselves. This idea is best expressed through the story of a poor villager from Benin, in the World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. Three years ago was a very bad year. The flood washed away all our crops, and there was a lot of hunger around here, to the point that many people actually died of hunger. They must have been at least a dozen, mostly children and old people. Nobody could help them. Their relatives in the village had no food either; nobody had enough food for his own children, let alone the food for the children of his brother or cousin. And few had a richer relative somewhere else who could help. This is a perfect example of the vulnerability that is both a cause and effect of poverty. The relatively poor can become the poorest through disasters, both eco nomic and natural, and conflict, which causes more vulnerability that affects their ability to escape poverty. Poverty and conflict are often closely linked. In many developing countries there are huge contrasts in access to power and control of resources, leading to a sense of powerlessness within the poor of the country. This unfair distribution of wealth, power and often land creates conflict, as those with the advantage battle the disadvantaged in order to maintain their advantages. In El Salvador, during the 1980s, Oxfam worked to alleviate poverty and suffering intensified by years of armed conflict. The roots of this conflict lay in the unequal distribution of power, wealth and resources. Poverty causes, and is effected by, many different other global issues. A set of international development goals were created by the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank, to address inequities in income, education, access to health care and the inequalities between men and women. In 2000 these goals were updated and the United Nations Millennium Declaration committed all countries to doing everything possible to eradicate poverty, promote human dignity and equality, and achieve peace, environmental sustainability, and democracy. At this time approximately 1.2 billion people were living on less than $1 (U.S) a day, with an additional 1.6 billion living on less that $2 (U.S) a day. The goal to reduce poverty was seen as an essential part of the way forward. It is crucial to understand why this is seen as a fundamental step and to do this one should look into some of the arguments aga inst helping the poor that philosophers and political theorists pose. The basic lifeboat ethics argument against helping the poor, argued by Garrett Hardin, states that the world is like a lifeboat. In a lifeboat there is a limit to how many people can be carried, and there is no fair way to choose from among those who need to come aboard. Therefore the only fair alternative is to let everyone who needs to come aboard drown. What Hardin is getting at is that we, the developed world, can not save every person, and therefore how can we fairly choose those that we do save and those that we do not. He argues that it would be much fairer to let everyone in absolute poverty die. Other arguments against helping the poor include Friedrich von Hayeks Game of Catalaxy. Hayeks theory stems from a liberal laissez-faire view of the global economy. He believed that the global market should characterized by a spontaneous order that happens when individuals pursue their own ends within a framework set by law and tradition. Hayek goes on to argue that his Game of Catalaxy is a game of skill and all players within the global market are different and therefore not all can win. The winners, he believed, won because they took certain chances and therefore deserved to win, while the losers deserved to lose. Therefore, according to Hayek, countries that have problems with absolute poverty have played the Game of Catalaxy and lost, and deserve to lose. Theoretically these countries will continue to play the game and if they take certain chances they may eventually win. This theory may work but meanwhile the problem of absolute poverty is affecting the rest of the world and therefore we cannot ignore it, or let the Game of Catalaxy sort it out. As Ambassador Jams head Marker, the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, says, We are all now in the same lifeboat. The continued health of the North [developed, rich countries] depends on the survival and sustainable development of the South [less developed, poorer countries]. Beyond this argument is a belief that food is a basic human right. If hunger is a cause and effect of poverty and food is a basic human right, then theoretically every country should be doing everything within their power to reduce poverty and create a well-nourished world. This argument is reflected in the Millennium Development Goals. The United Nations believes that food is a basic human right. On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration is the only human rights declaration with universal in its name, and most countries have agreed on it. It can therefore be argued as a legitimate international agreement on the rights of all human beings. Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services. Therefore, since the declaration is argued to be a legitimate international agreement on the rights of humans, it can be argued that food, along with other basic necessities, are basic human rights. The orthodox approach to development is the view held by many international regimes like the World Bank and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The basic concepts behind it are the ideas that the free-market system can create unlimited economic growth, that the Western liberal model and knowledge are superior to anything else, and the belief that the process of free-markets would benefit everyone. Theoretically economies would slowly take-off because of the free-market and from there on the wealth would work its way down to the people actually living in absolute poverty. To do this there would be a production of surplus, with individuals selling their lab our for money, as opposed to producing to meet their family and community needs. This orthodox method is known as the top-down liberal method and relies on external expert knowledge, technology, an expansion of privatization, and large capital investments. As already stated, the orthodox approach is based almost entirely on a monetary and material concept of poverty. In 2000: A Better World For All, the World Bank, United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) state that it is possible to cut poverty rates in half by 2015 if countries follow policies that both reduce social and gender inequalities and, most importantly, create income-earning opportunities for the poor. This is the key for, and a perfect example of, the orthodox approach to development. The UNDP Human Development Report 2003 states that there are six basic policies that should be implemented in order to help the countries reduce poverty. Firstly countries should invest early and ambitiously in basic education and health while fostering gender equality. These are preconditions to sustained economic growth. Second, countries should increase the productivity of small farmers in unfavorable environments [environments where hunger and famine are a problem]. Thirdly countries should improve basic infrastructu resto reduce the costs of doing business and overcome geographic barriers. The last three policies involve developing an industrial development policy, working on promoting democracy, and ensuring environmental sustainability. The World Bank concurs with these ideas, as does the World Trade Organization who state that poor people within a country generally gain from trade liberalization. The orthodox approach to development, portrayed by international regimes including the World Trade Organization, World Bank and United Nations involves liberalizing trade and creating empowerment in order to create faster economic growth, which in turn helps to alleviate poverty. This approach is both valid and sound, and has been proven to work in some countries, although not as quickly as the international regimes would like. As this approach is the dominant view, it is seen as more likely to work. However a number of development theorists have discovered problems within this dominant view. The idea that the free market can end hunger, if governments just get out of the way, is seen by some theorists as a myth. These theorists believe that the free-market-is-good/ government-is-bad view is far too simplistic and can never help address poverty and hunger. The top-down approach is seen as unlikely to work in most situations due to corrupt governments who will not let the wealth trickle down to those actually living in poverty. The theory of comparative advantage holds that nations should produce and export those goods and services in which they hold a comparative advantage and import those items that other nations could produce at a lower cost. The problem with this theory, which is also promoted by the World Bank, UN and IMF as a method for alleviating and reducing poverty, is that it falls apart when applied to the real world. Many countries living in absolute poverty can produce large amounts of coffee at a low cost to themselves, however since there are many producing, the price of coffee on the global market is forced downwards and these countries are producing more coffee for less money. These are just two examples of the kind of problems that make the orthodox method for development less viable. The alternative approach to development is argued by many NGOs like World Vision and the World Development Movement. The core concepts of this approach are the ideas that humans should learn to be self-reliant, that nature, cultural diversity and community-controlled commons (water, air, land, and forest) should be valued, and that democratic participation will help to reduce poverty. This approach relies on participation at the community level, working with local knowledge and technology to create a bottom-up approach to community development. It is a grassroots approach, focusing on helping individuals and communities become self-reliant. This approach is often argued by dependency theorists who believe that the structure of the global political economy essentially enslaves the less developed countries by making them dependent on the capitalist, liberal nations. The alternative approach to development is therefore seen by dependency theorists as one of the only ways to develop less developed countries. Much of the anti-globalist campaign is directed at organizations like the World Bank and IMF because their policies encourage less developed countries to become dependent on foreign aid and investment which continues the poverty and hunger within the less developed countries. Although the alternative approach to development also seems sound and viable, it lacks monetary value and places too much emphasis on the power of communities to change governments. Neither approach is perfect in its methods for the alleviation and reduction of poverty. I believe it is a combination of the orthodox and alternative approaches that really has the ability to help reduce poverty in todays world. The orthodox approach focuses too narrowly on money and capital, while the alternative approach believe too heavily in the power of communities to affect change at a national level. I therefore believe that international regimes, like the World Bank and United Nations, should attempt to affect changes at the state level, working to create democratic governments. Non-Governmental Organizations should continue to work at the grass roots level, affecting changes for the individuals and communities while helping them to become self-reliant. This approach is not without problems and cannot be called easy, but I believe it deals with both the individuals and the state at the levels needed and could help to halve the number of people living in poverty by 2015. Ther e are no perfect answers for development. Poverty is a complex issue. The key is that we do not ignore those living in poverty but help, in whatever way we believe is best. We are obliged to try our hardest to make circumstances better for them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Cloning Really Worth It? :: essays research papers

Cloning: Is it Really Worth It?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is much controversy over the issue of cloning. Is it really worth it? Scientists say yes, but I think not. There are a lot of questions to be answered before we continue the process of cloning such as the animals’ safety, humans feelings, and the costs, both financially and emotionally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, we must think of the poor, defenseless animals scientists are experimenting with. It is one thing to kill them for survival, but it is totally wrong for them to die just to â€Å"experiment†. That is just as wrong as murdering an animal to make a few coats. Out of the many animals that the scientists have tried to clone, very few have survived and the ones that have are dependent on the scientists for everything down to oxygen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let’s think about humans for a second. Say your son, daughter, relative, or friend has passed away. Would you want his or her body cloned? A lot of people might say yes but I give that a huge no. Even though the body of the loved one you lost is there, there is no way to really have them back. A clone is just another person that looks like them. A person’s character is built by experiences he went through and people he has met. I think many people would be disappointed at the fact that it’s just not the same person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another thing to think about is money. The taxpayers are paying out millions of dollars on this idea that has no guarantee. What about the taxpayers who oppose cloning? I know I do not want my hard earned money invested against my will into something that I feel is wrong and unjust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think that people should be informed on all of the negatives as well as the Is Cloning Really Worth It? :: essays research papers Cloning: Is it Really Worth It?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is much controversy over the issue of cloning. Is it really worth it? Scientists say yes, but I think not. There are a lot of questions to be answered before we continue the process of cloning such as the animals’ safety, humans feelings, and the costs, both financially and emotionally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, we must think of the poor, defenseless animals scientists are experimenting with. It is one thing to kill them for survival, but it is totally wrong for them to die just to â€Å"experiment†. That is just as wrong as murdering an animal to make a few coats. Out of the many animals that the scientists have tried to clone, very few have survived and the ones that have are dependent on the scientists for everything down to oxygen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let’s think about humans for a second. Say your son, daughter, relative, or friend has passed away. Would you want his or her body cloned? A lot of people might say yes but I give that a huge no. Even though the body of the loved one you lost is there, there is no way to really have them back. A clone is just another person that looks like them. A person’s character is built by experiences he went through and people he has met. I think many people would be disappointed at the fact that it’s just not the same person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another thing to think about is money. The taxpayers are paying out millions of dollars on this idea that has no guarantee. What about the taxpayers who oppose cloning? I know I do not want my hard earned money invested against my will into something that I feel is wrong and unjust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think that people should be informed on all of the negatives as well as the

Monday, August 19, 2019

Symbolism and Realism Essay -- Symbolism Realism Literature Essays

Symbolism and Realism Symbolism and Realism were distinct but parallel literary movements that swept Europe and much of the world in the late 19th century. Social order was one of the main concerns of Symbolists and Realists, which reflects the unprecedented growth of the middle class and its values across Europe during that time period. Morality and ambition were homogenized – and, in some cases, institutionalized – to a degree never before seen in civilized society, and many intellectuals and artists saw this homogenization as a conformist social force that threatened individual perspective. Thus, Symbolists’ and Realists’ works lashed out against social institutions and values and were particularly concerned about the domestic sphere, because of its dependence on social norms and shaping effect on individual perceptions; were disturbed by the decaying effects of conformism; and were troubled by the disconnection between modern individuals. Moreover, Symbolists and Realists a rgue that these three themes of domesticity, decay, and disconnection are linked, a connection explored especially in the Symbolist Charles Baudelaire’s poem, â€Å"Spleen LXVIII† (1862), in the Realist Leo Tolstoy’s novella, The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886), and in the Realist Anton Chekhov’s play, The Cherry Orchard (1903). Specifically, these authors argue that the various forms of modern domestic life lead to the ruination of substantial interpersonal connection. As long as one drowns in life’s tedium, asserts Baudelaire, the human experience and one’s connections with others decay. â€Å"Spleen LXVIII† describes a winter rain that pours â€Å"On corpses fading in the near graveyard, On foggy suburbs pours life’s tedium† (1550.II 3, 4), and, speaking of a ... ...orms in one way or another destroy one’s connections with other human beings. Not only does such focus on forms defy the social nature of humanity, creating generations of socially approved outcasts, but also it severely restricts the individual’s perspective by forcing it to conform to preordained, rigid structures, thereby suffocating the blessing of human creativity. Such restriction does not belong to modern civilization alone, however; creativity never exists without limit, for every society upholds rules of conduct that its members are taught to obey. Therefore, contemporary conformity is not new but rather reborn and strengthened. Correspondingly, the task of the modern citizen is ancient, but difficult in its originality: to strike a balance between creativity and conformity, between pursuing our own diverse forms and following the accepted forms of society.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Hannah Ricks Ricks, 1 Mrs. Miller English 12 11 November 2013 Rosa Parks How important are rights and equality? How many would walk 20 miles a day in rain or snow just to get the point across that bus segregation, among other forms of segregation are unjust or how many would be willing to give up their lives, jobs, protection for their families, homes, friends and others for change that is deserved? Rosa Louise McCauley Parks among many other civil right activists did just that. Rosa went through many struggles and trials in her life for the fight for freedom. She was an amazing example to all people, not just African Americans. Even though she wasn't well educated she still made a huge impact in society. By Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus, she changed society in many ways: she gave hope to those races that wanted change and equal rights for themselves. Rosa got her high school diploma at age twenty thanks to encouragement of her husband Raymond: she dropped out in eleventh grade to take care of her mother and grandma. As children the black students had to walk to their school, which was often inadequate while the whites had school buses that took them to their brand new school. As long as she could remember, there was a black world and a white world, the bus was among the first ways she realized it. Parks recalled a time when the Ku Klux Klan marched down the street in front of their house while her grandfather guarded the front door with a shotgun, she could not ignore the racism of her society. Ricks, 2 Rosa suffered many things in her life but some... ...t to accomplish this goal: "President Barack Obama unveiled a statue honoring Parks in the nation’s Capital building. He remembered Parks, according to The New York Times, by saying "In a single moment, with the simplest of gestures, she helped change America and change the world. . . . And today, she takes her rightful place among those who shaped this nation’s course." Rosa Parks helped shape society into what it is today. Not all racism is gone but she made a huge impact, and tried her best to for equal rights to the oppressed. She gave so much in order for blacks to have a little bit of freedom. It took quite a while to make an impact but it had to start somewhere, and that somewhere was in the heart of Rosa Parks, it was on that bus when she decided she had had enough, it was in all the Negros that joined in a gave their lives for equality and civil rights.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Concept of Justice

Socrates and Aristotle both have contrasting views of the concept of justice which serves to influence their notions of an ideal constitution. The abstract, speculative ideas of Socrates will be compared and contrasted with the practical, sensory ones of Aristotle in matters concerning justice and politics. Both Aristotle and Socrates disagree with regards to the definition of justice and what qualities are attributed to a just person. According to Aristotle, a just person must follow the law and refrain from greed. In the opinion of Socrates, greed consists of taking more than what is required to survive. He stresses the importance of prudence and temperance in the lives of a just person. Aristotle, however, states that a greedy person is someone who does not understand the difference between taking what is good and what is not good. A wealthy person can also be just. Aristotle provides two different types of justice which he labels distributive and rectifactory justice. Distributive justice is concerned with the distribution of money, honour, and other resources amongst those who have a share in public organization. Equality is of the greatest importance when distributing goods. Rectifactory justice concerns transactions between individuals in which both parties mutually exchange goods or services. Through both of these means Aristotle seeks to provide justice in the written law of his polis which is devoted to the advantage of all. However, Socrates views justice as the harmonious parts of the person or of a city. A just man, therefore, is in just the right place and doing his best to perform his function. He claims that the function of a human being is deliberation, ruling, living, and taking care of things. The ideas of Aristotle differ greatly from this perspective. He states that the human function is to perform activities that express reason. Socrates views his ideal city in which every person performs his or her function. His views pertain to the community in which a person lives while Aristotle’s views are more individualistic as someone who expresses reason in his logic can do so without other people or his community. In the Republic, Socrates attempts to illustrate his views with the parable of the ship. The unjust city is like an open ocean crewed by a powerful but drunken captain (representing the ignorant common people), a group of untrustworthy advisors (politicians), and a navigator (the philosopher). The only way the ship will reach its destination, the good, is if the navigator takes charge. Philosophers, who are lovers of wisdom, should rule because they understand what is good and just. It is also the opinion of Socrates that people who have been the victims of injustice are more likely to become unjust themselves. He disagrees with the notion that returning debts owed, helping friends, and harming enemies are not suitable reasons for doing injustice: â€Å"So if someone tells us it is just to give to each what he is owed and understands by this that a just man should harm his enemies and benefit his friends, the one who says it is not wise. I mean, what he says is not true. For it has become clear to us that it is never just to harm anyone† (Plato, Republic, 335e). A wise person would understand that it is not beneficial to his soul to do injustice only to his enemies. A wise person, according to Socrates would never harm anyone. He maintains that a kind just ruler judges what is best for his people and holds their interests in greater esteem than his friends or family: â€Å"†¦ No one in any position of rule†¦ considers or enjoins what is advantageous for himself, but what is advantageous for his subjects† (Plato, Republic, 342e). A ruler who performs acts of injustice is, by nature, more prone to corruption and tyranny. In this way he gives increased support to his argument concerning philosophers as rulers of the polis. Socrates and Aristotle also differ in their opinions as to which form of government is best to rule the polis. Socrates defends the notion that the city would best be governed by the philosopher-kings; a group of people who had endured rigorous mental and physical training for the majority of their lives. They would govern together as a group or an oligarchy. Aristotle recognizes the fact that it is possible for an oligarchy to degenerate into a tyranny, which is the worst possible state. He recommends the formation of a polity or a democracy as the lesser of two evils. Socrates draws a fine line between ignorance and wisdom. It is, in fact, recognizing what one does not know from what one knows. Therefore, if one cannot recognize the virtue of justice, one must be said to be ignorant: â€Å"†¦ if justice is indeed wisdom and virtue, it will be easy to show, I suppose, that it is stronger than injustice, since injustice is ignorance† (Plato, Republic, 351a). Wisdom is undoubtedly the more esteemed when compared with ignorance and consequently justice must be better esteemed than injustice. However, Socrates is confronted with arguments in favour of injustice. He attempts to defend justice as being more profitable than injustice: â€Å"†¦ that to do injustice is naturally good and to suffer injustice bad†¦ The best is to do injustice without paying the penalty; the worst is to suffer it without taking revenge† (Plato, Republic, 358e). In other words, it is acceptable and encouraged for someone to perform acts of injustice as long as he is not found out and does not suffer the consequences. If however, an act of injustice is carried out against someone, it is the duty of the victim to take revenge on him. Socrates points out that this course of action leads only to unimportant material gain. Thrasymachus claims that committing acts of injustice without being caught is more profitable to one’s reputation and would allow one to achieve more. Socrates acknowledges that although a person engaging in injustice will most likely become wealthy in physical attributes, he lacks the fundamental virtues and characteristics of a good man. The virtue of something is the state or property that makes it good. For instance, the virtue of a man may include his intelligence, courage, or sense of justice. Justice, in this case, is a moral behaviour which is said to belong to virtuous people. Therefore, justice itself is a virtue. Thrasymachus’ argument has no merit because a man who strives to achieve more by acquiring material wealth through committing acts of injustice lacks the more esteemed virtues of wisdom and justice. It is also the opinion of Socrates that just people are happier and live better lives than unjust ones. He is, of course, talking about the happiness of the soul rather than its shell, the body. Much as the virtue of the eyes is to see and the virtue of the ears to hear, the virtue of the soul is justice: â€Å"†¦ ustice is a soul’s virtue and justice its vice† (Plato, Republic, 353e). It is more profitable for a person to be just than unjust, as he will be giving his soul its virtue and therefore living a happy life. Better is the poor man with a good just soul than the rich man who has made his wealth through vice with a tainted soul. However, it must be pointed out that although Socrates claims that justice leads to happiness, he deprives the rulers of his city of happiness, though they are supposed to be trained in justice and wisdom. As Aristotle states: â€Å"†¦ ven though Socrates deprives the guardians of their happiness, he says that the legislator should make the whole city-state happy. But it is impossible for the whole to be happy unless all, most, are some of its parts are happy† (Aristotle, Politics, 1264b). Socrates thought it was crucial that the guardians were not given the sort of happiness which would no longer make them guardians. For a potter who is given jewels and riches no longer practices the art of pottery and so is no longer considered a potter. Likewise, a guardian must not be given wealth or earthly comforts but remain content with his role. Aristotle argues that even if the guardian class is not happy, it is impossible for the craftsmen, farmers, and lower classes to be happy. Without happiness, there is no justice. Socrates also claims that just people are able to work together in order to achieve a common goal. He maintains that just people working together are able to get along without doing injustice amongst themselves: â€Å"†¦ just people are wiser and better and more capable of acting, while unjust ones are not even able to act together† (Plato, Republic, 352c). Injustice causes factions, hatreds, and quarrels among people and friends. A band of robbers with a common unjust purpose would not be able to achieve it if they are unjust amongst themselves. Injustice provides conditions in which it is impossible for people to work together. Therefore, injustice prevents the different parts of the soul from working together toward a common goal. In the case of friendship and justice, Socrates and Aristotle seem to be in mutual accord. Aristotle believes friendship and comradeship to be one of the key components of leading a good life. He viewed justice as the equitability or fairness in interpersonal relations. Virtuous habits can be acquired within a moral community which ultimately leads to a virtuous and moral life. Socrates believes that the nature of the state is analogous with the nature of the individual and the nature of the soul. The soul comprises of three key principles which he calls reason, appetite, and spirit. Justice in the individual is harmony among the principles of the soul achieved by rationality and reason. He believes that the guardians have achieved harmony within their souls and so must be considered just. Since the faculties of an individual correspond on a smaller scale to that of the state, justice must also exist in the individual. Socrates believes in unity, as expressed by his confidence in the ability of just people to work together and of the family structure in the Republic. Women and children are to be shared communally by the guardians. No one woman, child, or possession is to belong to one man but rather to be shared by the whole. The well-being of the polis is placed before the well-being of an individual. Aristotle agrees that unity needs to be present to a certain extent within a city but alleges that a man who can call something his own takes more pride in it. He loves a son he can call his own more than a boy who is a son of every man. He also takes more pride in his work when he knows that what he is producing will benefit himself and his family. Socrates claims that temperance is the path to happiness and virtue and a person should only own what he needs to live temperately. Aristotle disagrees with this notion and states that it is possible to live temperately and wretchedly; the lack of property does not necessarily lead to a good life. A good person can be good even independently of the society. However, a good person is a good citizen and a good citizen can exist only as a part of the social structure. In this way, the state is, in a sense, prior to the citizen. It is evident Socrates and Aristotle share the common belief that justice is undoubtedly more beneficial than injustice. However, their definitions of justice vary greatly. The main and most crucial difference between the perspectives of Aristotle and Socrates is their view of friendship and unity. Aristotle believes that the virtue of justice encompasses all other virtues because it treats the interactions between people rather than just the dispositions of the individual. Socrates believes that the virtue of justice is first and foremost beneficial to one’s soul. Despite their contrasting views, both Aristotle and Socrates believe that justice is one of the highest and most sought after virtues. If one is to have a good life, one must be just.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Coaching in the Workplace

DEVELOPING COACHING SKILLS FOR THE WORKPLACE ACTIVITY 1 Introduction In this report I will describe two types of coaching and how coaching can be directive and non-directive. Also, I will explain two differences between coaching and other learning and development methods. I will identify 3 benefits of coaching to the organization and an explanation of 3 ways that coaching can be used to meet organization objectives. Moreover, I will explain the meaning of coaching culture and therefore 2 options for developing it within an organization.And in conclusion, I will identify 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of developing in house coaching. 2 types of coaching * Sports Coaching: This is what many people think of when they hear the word â€Å"coach†. A â€Å"player† is helped to develop their skills by a â€Å"coach†. On the other hand, the term sports coach encompasses a wide range of roles and approaches, from the football manager on the touchline, through one-to-one coaches for athletes and players, to specialist coaches for fitness and health.There are also coaches who focus on the ‘mental game’, helping sports players fine-tune their psychological preparation for high-pressure events. * Executive coaching: is a form of business coaching which is typically aimed at developing senior managers, directors and key players within a business setting. It may enhance current performance, taking skills and abilities to a new level and help individuals adapt to new situations or it may address poor performance. This type of coaching may also be termed Leadership Coaching or Performance Coaching as it tends to target the same audience and similar issues.How coaching can be directive and non directive? 1. Directive: Is where the coach offers you solutions, tools and techniques for moving forward. You may like to be offered solutions however the danger is that the solution may not be appropriate for your situation and consequently may not feel fully committed to the solution provided. 2. Non-Directive: Is coaching in the true sense of the word where the coach simply asks you questions to allow you to find your own solutions. A on-directive coach will certainly not offer you advice and rarely even give you suggestions, although through skillful questioning they will help you to see your situation from a different perspective, gain clarity, uncover options, challenge inconsistencies and hold you accountable to your actions. 2 differences between coaching and other learning and development methods Other learning and development method chosen has been counseling that it means to give advice to someone. It’s a process in which a person is helped to explore the situation and find solution or answers for a problem.Therefore, counseling can be used to address psychosocial as performance issues and coaching does not seek to resolve any underlying psychological problems. It assumes a person does not require a psycho-social intervention. By counseling, the goal is to help people understand the root causes of long-standing performance problems and issues at work and by coaching, the goal is to improve an individual’s performance at work. 3 benefits of coaching * Greater aware about the company objectives * Better communication within teamwork Gives the purpose and vision to go ahead to the good way 3 ways that coaching can be used to meet organizational objectives * An improvement of the personal performance improves organizational performance with an increase of benefits * Improved cross functional interaction and efficiency. People do business with people and that means a better result of sales. * Greater efficiency through less fractious relationships and sulking and that improves staff retention and a creation of a great place to work. Many people would like to work to the company.Coaching Culture * It’s an organizational setting in which not only formal coaching occurs, but also, most or a large segment of individuals in the organization practice coaching behaviors a means of relating to, supporting and influencing each other 2 options for developing a coaching culture within an organization: * Training and developing house coaching: deliver training entirely in house or through fund payment of a consultant to deliver training to some employees as coaches. Basically it’s the internal coaching creates and designed in the company. Buying in coaching expertise: deliver coaching through external coaches’ experts and independents of the company. 3 advantages of developing in house coaching * Cost and available resources (cheaper) * Knowledge of business and industry (vision of the company goals, about what’s going on) * Can be flexible (any moment and any situation) 3 disadvantages of developing in house coaching * Confidentiality (without prejudice to the good faith contract of the company) * Willingness to open up (no feel comfortable) * Qualif ications and experience (risk bad coaching habits)

Computers in Medical Field Essay

A computer has become an essential commodity in every hospital. Everything is computerized today, from open heart surgeries to X-rays to various clinical tests. Everything is carried out efficiently and effectively by the computer. There are many advantages of computers that make it a must have by every medical professional. This article tells you about the use of computers in the medicine that would help you understand the wide array of computer applications used across the medicinal practice. Computers in the Medical Office There are various uses of computer in medical field as it plays a vital role in every medical office. It contributes a lot to the hospital administration where all the administrative processes are computerized. For example, staff records, recording incoming and outgoing time of the staff, the holiday records of the staff, etc. It is difficult to keep track of such things manually but with the help of computers, the task is simplified and is less time-consuming. In most of the offices, accounting is also computerized that helps you keep the daily record of the financial transactions of the office. It also reduces the chances of money related frauds as all the data is stored properly that can be used for future reference. Computer also helps in recording the names and contact details of the doctors and associated people. It is useful when it comes to recording the medical history of the patient, such as, previous treatments, tests, diagnosis, and symptoms, etc. Such information comes handy for the doctor in case of emergencies and when a new treatment is to be designed. The patients can also avail to computer counseling with the help of computers. Today, the bills are computer generated and hence, the chances of miscalculation are less. Apart from this, to avail the online transaction facilities computer is essential. Use of Computers in Medicine Use of computers is also associated with the research and inventions in health sector. Various research studies are carried out with the help of various applications in the computer. For example, studying certain cells, micro organisms, bacteria, etc., is easily possible with computer. It helps you save all the related information that you can refer to, whenever required. One can also create electronic presentations of certain diseases or treatments that are useful to understand by the junior or trainee doctors so that they can prepare themselves for small and uncomplicated operations by taking guidance from senior doctors via web conferencing. In seminars and paper presentations on the health related topics, computerized presentations create more impact on the audience. It also helps the audience understand the issues well. With the help of computer networking, doctors across the world can communicate with each other about new inventions and unique health conditions, etc. All the countries are conducting research studies and this information can be mutually shared by the medical fraternity with the help of computers and internet technology. The computer makes the world smaller and brings people together. Uses of Computers in Hospitals Computers are widely used in all the hospitals for numerous purposes apart from administration, accounting, billing, and appointments. It literally helps doctors in performing various surgeries, especially laparoscopic surgeries are possible because of computers where doctors insert the medical tools and small camera and conduct an operation with the help of computers and monitors. Many high tech surgical machines and instruments are endowed with small computer systems so that every surgical process is recorded and monitored to avoid complications. Many clinical imaging processes are conducted and examined with the help of computers, such as X-ray and CT scan, etc. Computers also play a vital role in conducting various clinical and biological laboratory tests in hospitals that help in correct diagnosis of the disease. Many critical patients, whose heart rate, pulse rate, and brain readings, etc., need be recorded and monitored continuously, are observed through computers. Its virtually impossible for humans to note down every movement of the internal organs of the patients but computers do it with ease. Importance of computers in medicine has grown so much that many patients who need to be provided with life support system are also governed by the special computerized system only. Such is the impact of computers on a medical practice.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Analyse, compare and contrast some poems by Roger Mcgough with other related poems

Roger Mc gough is a well-known English performance poet who was born in November 9 1937. Mcgough was born in Litherland in North Liverpool a city where he is firmly associated. He was educated at the University of Hull. Currently he presents a radio programme on BBC four known as Poetry please and he records voiceover for commercial as well as performing his own poetry regularly. He writes poetry drama fiction and screen plays. He was a pop star who was in the band â€Å"scaffold†. Mcgough is a poet who relates his poem to the issues, which really affect the people directly or indirectly. The poems in the coursework are â€Å"The lesson† which is a poem, which tackles issue of Capital punishment. It is themed on teachers and students but the punishment taken over there is totally different. The next poem is about funeral blues, which is written by WH Auden. This poem is the grief of the loss of his partner and we could say that might be the inspiration to write this poem and share the grief with the rest of the world. Then we move on to stop the entire car. This is the parody of Funeral blues written by Roger Mcgough who is also writing the poem on the grief of losing the metro which went extinct after a few of years of it production and this poem is dedicated to the fans of the Metro. The next poem is Don Lockwood, which was then turned into s famous song, writes the Singing in the rain heavy. Love is abstract and there is nothing in this world that literally expresses love, but the poet of this poem has turned love into joy and that is the theme behind this poem. The title stands for itself- a man singing in the rain because he is in love. The last poem is the parody of the poem, which is known as stinging in the rain, which is written by Roger Mcgough. This poem is about tackling with global issues right now, which concerns most of the people, which is acid rain. The titles Roger Mcgough uses for his poem stands out itself. It delivers the message to the audience instantly and the audience knows what they can expect from this as no surprise is created in Roger Mcgough's creations. Titles have a dramatic effect on the capability of attracting the audience to read the poem and the titles Roger Mcgough uses are straight to the point. Let's start off with the Lesson. Roger Mc Gough. The poet has introduced a new theme for the poetry world. The theme is hard to believe in reality. The lesson is all about violence and Mcgough has taken this all the way through his poem. There are only two types of characters in this poem and they are the teacher and the students. The difference of the poem starts off from whereas in the poem the teacher is a cruel and hard minded person whereas in reality it turns to be a role model for the students. The background or the plot is that capital punishment happens in classroom. In 1980 UK corporal punishment in school was not rare and based on that Roger took it one step further and thought of having capital punishment in classroom. In this poem a lot is going on such as violence death pain humour etc. Rogher Mcgough has started off with reality as you walk in a classroom you could hear the noise of students screaming and this is how he starts off too. â€Å"Chaos ruled OK in the classroom†. The line in this describes that the students are the ruler of the classroom who has the authority. This sentence is a parody as Roger Mcgough has used this words in which he was familiar off as the words â€Å"Chaos ruled OK† was common in 1980's. Roger Mcgough through the First line he has introduced the students to the reader and the next aim was to show to the readers about the teachers as he says, â€Å"bravely teacher walked in†. This sentence shows that the teacher comes over to the classroom to take over the control and the authority back from the students. This is what happens in reality but from now the silence of the poem begins. The poet use violent language to show the intensity of the poem to the reader. He says, â€Å"Havoc wreaker ignored him†. In this section he is assigning havoc wreakers as students as they are the trouble causers. From the strong words the poet wants to show that he regained the control over the classroom. This shows that he made a vibrant start to the lesson and now he is going to teach a lesson to the children. A lesson that they will never forget. The words he used to describe them are so intense. The word â€Å"havoc wreaker† is so strong and is so exuberant that it terrifies the audience. Every lesson is based on a theme, and in this too the teacher starts off by saying the theme â€Å"The theme for today is violence†. Roger Mcgough wants to include violence everywhere he can because that is the plot for the poem. He uses many words to give the poem the pace and tone to the stanzas. Words such as throttled him then and there, garrotted the girl have the tone and energy given to it. Then he says â€Å"the one with the grotty hair† The words used here are alliteration such as â€Å"throttled† and â€Å"garrotted† as mentioned earlier. This word not only give the tone but give the punch and flow to it and keeps it at a constant flow rather than including hard words so that it would make s stop to the sentence and then continue. The mood of the poem is very scary as through reading the poem it shows several different aspects such as silence blood death and all scary things together. So through this it created the mood and atmosphere, which is negative. Roger Mcgough is spreading the seeds of violence throughout the poem. The poem says that â€Å"First come first severed†. He used dark humour to spice up the poem. The actual words were â€Å"first come first severed†. Here he created a pun of violence. He used this ironically to exaggerate things As we move on the words of his poems have got a lot of meanings in it such as taking this two sentence and comparing it. â€Å"It struck with deadly aim† and he â€Å"continued with the game†. The two sentences first of all have got a rhyme in it such as aim and game. In this he used many similes and it has very depth meaning. â€Å"The first blast cleared the back row they collapsed like rubber dinghies† This line in this section is a simile. As we look at rubber dinghies, these are the materials kids play with and Roger Mcgough compared it as collapsing which something terrible is happening from a kid's perspective and this shows a contrast. Again he uses personification in this poem such as â€Å"Silence shuffle forwards†. Again there is a contrast as in reality that silence can't shuffle forwards but Mcgough brought that to life. He uses Rhyme and rhythm for the poems and this structured the poem very well. In this poem the rhyme is organised in the second and the fourth lines of the stanzas. Such as â€Å"aim† and â€Å"game†, this gives a punch to the poem and these speeds up the line which are known as the iambic pentameter. He brought the soul into the words and that is one of the characteristics which would separate him from other poets Now as I move on to the conclusion Roger mc gough did not create this poem so that capital punishment would take place in school but to show to the world about the issues that are happening in this world. As Tom and Jerry, itchy and scratchy through violence conveyed a message it is the same what roger Mcgough is doing. He wrote this poem to show the violence to the world though a comical manner. In this poem another thought he brings is the current situation of the world where peace and calm no longer exists in the way it existed. Roger Mcgough explores the black and treacherous world out there which includes the cruelties that is happening to children. He is exploring the different levels at which some children's are being tortured in this world and this is a wake up call for the people torturing to show some humane behaviour towards them. The poem shows that the outer world is harsh and it is hard to live in this sinful world. Roger Mcgough just wrote some words into a paper but the meaning of it is endless. Now let's go to Funeral blues and stop all the cars. Roger Mcgough's titles are straight to the point and the evidence to back it up for this is the title for this poem. It is â€Å"Funeral blues†. It doesn't show to the audience on what the can expect clearly. In the poem Funeral blues the poet WH. Auden expresses his grief of the death of his lover by commanding to the people. Auden uses his imagery to convey the feeling of sadness to the world. He does this by commanding to the people. He says to the people â€Å"Stop all the cloaks† he is commanding this to the people to stop all the noises of clocks and let it remain in silence. The message also conveys that he wants the time to be stopped. This is the time his lover died and he wants to make the time still so he could enchant the precious moments. He wanted to take the time, back to the stage where his lover was alive and he wants all the imagination of them together. In the second stanza the tone he uses is the tone of despair. He says, â€Å"Let aeroplane circle overhead†. This again shows the assertiveness he brings into the poem. He is commanding in that sentence. At the first stanza he was commanding everyone to stop everything literally. By this he meant was to stop the world and now in the second stanza he wants to bring back all the noises of the aeroplane and wants to show his feelings and emotions out to the world and how much the lover meant to him and. This shows a contrast between two different thoughts. He is asking to bring back to extremities of nature. He is using the words, which is exaggerated or is hyperbole. He is asking for something, which is almost impossible One of the key element which has to be pointed out is that Roger Mcgough has structured the poem very well as the first two stanzas just show that he is commanding to the people and he wants it to be done but the real fact is no one has the time and patience to do this all. Again he commands, â€Å"Let the traffic policeman wear black cotton gloves†. These commands are not done by any of the people. They wont be doing this all because they don't know the seriousness of this or they don't feel the love given to his lover. This sentence asking the policemen to wear black cotton gloves is a sign of respect and honour giving to the body but in the real world no one is doing it. Next is when someone die you would inform the relatives and share the grief but the poet uses a different way to convey the message to the world. He says â€Å"Scribbling on the sky the message he is dead†. This sentence shows that he is doing the maximum to get peoples attention and he wants people to share his grief with the people but here is no one out there in the world who cares about the death of the lover of the poet. The first two stanzas of the poem were all about the command and to do this and that. He wanted the things he said to be done but the stanzas in the last two stanzas rather than using imperatives for it he uses a different theme and create that imagery mood over there. He describes to people that the lover was everything to him. Every second of his life he enjoyed living with his lover. He describes to people that by saying â€Å"He was my North, my south, my east and west†. The poet is saying that he was everywhere, wherever he goes his lover was with him as the poet goes â€Å"He was my working week and Sunday rest†. That describes that the poet wherever he was the lover as with him always. Then the pattern he created was different as the penultimate stanza it described all the love and emotion of the love and now to the last stanza it goes back again to commands but there is a difference he makes and it is that in the first and second stanza it is all about man made things and which is about our environment as aeroplanes policeman clocks etc but he is making a command to the nature as he says â€Å"Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; pour away the ocean and dismantle the wood†. The grief is so heavy that he asks for the things, which is literally impossible to accomplish. This shows the intensity of romance he has towards his lover. He would do anything for his lover because the lover was so precious to him. Auden in this poem all together he created a mood which starts off very sadly as he commands to everyone to share his grief and at last a tone comes in which shows that he has given up everything. STOP ALL THE CARS This poem is the parody of funeral blues written by Roger Cough. Many people would regard parody as making the poem into a comical way but Roger Mcgough has done different. He has chosen a topic which was close to his heart and was loved my many people. He realises the pain WH Auden went through and he is writing an adapted version of it. This poem is all about taking the emotions and grief of WH Auden and brings in some of the funny thoughts of Roger and mixes them up. The poem is about the metro a car, which started its journey in 1980. This is a car, which was commonly used, but later the love towards it went down. It was a car, which was loved, by lot of people but later it had to stop its journey in 1998 because while it went through a safety check the result was terrible, as the product after the crash was just pieces of aluminium. Roger Mcgough took this idea all the way through and wrote a poem known as â€Å"Stop all the cars† which is based on funeral blues. The idea, which he wanted to convey through this poem, was that he was changing the grief and emotions of WH Auden and brought some fun into it. This poem is about metro, even though it had a terrible result people loved the car and he wrote about the performance of the car and how it went. As we go through the poem there are many similarities as the rhyme and rhythm was almost the same as in funeral Blues it starts off â€Å"stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone† but it changes into â€Å"Stop all the cars, cut off the ignition†. He brings backs the same tune but into more humorous manner. There are similarities between the poems as in funeral blues the poet says let the policemen wear black cotton gloves and it says that wear a black dress or a morning suit. He have brought the soul of funeral blues to the poem as in funeral blues it say that Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead and it says that Let the traffic lights remain red. The world I meant by soul is that he has used imperatives in the poem and that was the soul of funeral blues. There are more similarities in this poem as in the first line in the penultimate stanza of funeral blues it says that He was my north south my east and west and it says She was my rust bucket, my tin lizzie. So this shows that Mcgough have adopted the pattern to match the structure of the poem. There are some differences in this poem as in funeral blues he composed the poem in four short stanzas but in stop all the cars it is developed into five stanzas. The poem is composed in rhyming couplets and this makes the rhythm more feel. In funeral blues the first two stanzas are about the environments and man built things but as we go to the last two it changes to nature gifts but it is different as this poem is about the bad things of the car and at the end surprise affection towards the car. As we look at the overall effect of the poem Mcgough didn't want to put this in the serious way that he hates the metro or to make the fans of metro disappointed but he wanted to just make a parody of funeral blues and that was the main reason. Metro is a treasure for him because he has taken the time and effort to make a parody for this car, which shows his dedication ad his affection towards this car. Now we move on to Singing in the rain. This is a famous song from the movie singing in the rain. The poem is about a man who enjoys the rain. He is singing and dancing in the rain. The poem from the start gives a glimpse to the reader that the poem is about happiness because of the title itself. The title is the main attraction of the poem and the poet takes this to the next level as he sings the humming â€Å"Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo† This humming is melodious and this maintains the happiness of the poem. The poet gradually uses this happiness into love as he says â€Å"What a glorious feeling†. This symbolises that even though it is harsh weather the man is enjoying the rain because he is in love. The poet writes I am â€Å"laughing at clouds† this shows that his imagination of love is created is created in the clouds and this explains how happy he is being in love. Every film has a twist in it and the same has happened here. The poem begins with a positive vibe but as it gradually goes the tone and the feeling goes into a negative stage because of the words he use. The poet says, â€Å"Let the stormy clouds chase†. By this sentence he have taken off the all happiness atmosphere above and brought it back to normal. He has structured the rain as tears and the star as sadness is up above and stormy cloud and the ultimate outcome from it is rain. The other one is â€Å"So dark up above†. This sentence brings in harsh words â€Å"Dark†. These words take all the love and emotions from the poem away from anyone. This word happy has been use a lot in the poem and this is the background of the poem and he has stressed on it. The poet wants to show to the reader that the mans life is full of life as he writes â€Å"A life full of you†. This shows that he is in love to the extreme level Now lets move on to Stinging in the rain, which is the parody of Singing in the rain written by Roger Mcgough. He is a poet who tackled issues happening globally and some of the examples are the lesson, which tackles capital punishment. The poem also tackles serious issues, which is acid rain. He brings the intensity of the issue to the poem just by words. It similar to the lesson in many ways as there is extreme violence and touch of humour in the poem. To start he gave the reader a thinking message by giving the title to read â€Å"stinging in the rain†. There is a repetition if this line in the poem and this brings a flow to the start of the poem. He brings lots of techniques to the poem such as verbs and one of them was â€Å"burning my flesh, boiling my brain†. This verb adds some extra effect as this is happening things and they all are strong words such as such as â€Å"burning† and â€Å"boiling† they all gives it an extra punch to the poem. In the poem the poet brings a bit of rhyme as he says â€Å"crying and frying†. These both words sound the same and again these powerful words give a flow to the poem. The poet adds excitement to the poem at the end as he says â€Å"What a glorious feeling†. And dots say that more is to come but it won't come because the poem has ended. It suggests that more bad things will come. Now comparing â€Å"Stop all the clocks† which is an extract from the poem funeral blues and stinging in the rain. They have lots of characteristics in them. The poem stop all the clocks are full about emotion, pain and grief that build up the poem. Funeral blues is about the disappointment of the loss of WH Auden partners and he wants the world to explore his feeling rather than to hide it. Now stinging in the rain is the parody of the famous poem singing in the rain written by Roger Mcgough. The poem is tackling with an issue, which many people are not aware of, and not taking any precautions to stop it. So this is awareness for the people about the issue. The poem uses many techniques such as alliteration. Comparing both of them they have got their own good qualities in them. Now to the conclusion poems are just words which are written into paper. The thing, which brings it into life, is the imagination given to it. All the authors have brought that into their poem. Roger Mcgough and WH Auden have converted their feelings into words and the most wonderful thing that stroked to me is no the poem or the words of it but the techniques they use to approach to the readers. The repetition alliteration simile all brings the poem into life and these all-simple things make a big difference in the final product of the poem. In the lesson the most attracted thing to me is the immense amount of violence Roger Mcgough brought into it with all the death and blood but he didn't keep the poem raw but added humour and pun such as â€Å"First come first severed† and this was an interesting point in the poem. The authority that changes from student to the teacher and the gap of time and the words were able to attract the audience. These all are the features that made the lesson my favourite poem. The poem funeral blues written by WH Auden who was in great grief about the loss of his partner and he gave the relief to it by expressing his feeling and emotions to the world. Now to the poem stop all the cars, which were written by Roger Mcgough who gave a glimpse of hope to the fans of the cat metro, which had to stop production due to its bad review on health and safety measures. Mcgough gave hope to the fans that it was not a bad car but had the capability to attract peoples the poem was a big success. No ending it on the singing on the rain and stinging on the rain. The poem stinging on the rain was by Don Lockwood, which was a famous song. It was about a man dancing on the rain enjoying rather than many other people who were angry and disappointed with it. He enjoyed the train so much because he was in love and the great depth of love made him that rain more excited than usual and stinging in the rain id the parody of the poem, which tackles with global issues such as Acid rain and how this would affect people and exaggerating about it. Love is a concept which Roger Mcgough explores in several different poems of his. The concept of love is so intricate that the ways to express the feelings by writing it is hard but Roger Mcgough was successful. Overall the poems had great techniques and each of them was unique due to the wonderful characteristics.